If you are interested in supporting one of these beautiful children, please contact
Suzan Bellis at 541-971-8061.
The cost is just $35 a month
Since 2005 small teams have traveled yearly to serve the little HOPE Huruma School in the Mji wa Huruma slum. As each group arrived in Huruma they have been struck by the level of impoverishment the community suffers, especially the children who are constantly at risk due to lack of basic needs.
We began in 2006 with providing funds for the children to receive a balanced lunch each day knowing this would be the only nutritionally complete meal many of them would have that day. We also paid the salary for an Administrator, 5 teachers and 2 cooks. As we raised extra funds, we would provide classroom and student supplies along with a complete uniform for each child at the beginning of the year. We started to realize that some of the children needed help with ongoing health needs and found donors to help those children.
After a team of seven returned home in September 2014, they began the process of bringing HOPE International, Inc. to its current status as a 501(c)(3) entity. The commitment of Huruma HOPE is to increase aid and educational opportunities to children and break the generational cycle of sickness and poverty that has plagued this community for many years. It is our hope that others will follow in our decision to support this ministry and help children in Africa rise above their circumstances through education and faith in Jesus Christ.
Take a look at the 2023 Team Blog